Product Details
5U4G Valve

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An 8-pin (international octal) directly full-waved rectifier, capable of supplying all the DC high voltage needed for most medium to high power audio amplifiers. By using appropriate input filters, HT supplies up to 650V at 250mA can be produced. For capacitive input filters the smoothing capacitor can be up to 40╡F. 
Vh: 5.0V
Ih: 3.0A
Characteristics (typ. operating conditions) 
Va (rms) Iout C Vout 
V mA DC ╡F
2x300 350 40 350 
2x400 325 40 500 
Ratings (design max.)
P.I.V. 1700V
Ia (pk) 750mA
Socket Type: AO8